Imprimer Warmaster Revolution

La version communautaire anglophone de Warmaster est proposé dans un beau document PDF avec des consignes pour le faire imprimer.





Hi everybody,

Some time ago I took on the mammoth task of re-setting the Warmaster Revolution set of rules. I took the text from the two individual PDFs, added important erratas (are given in the document with the source), gathered new illustrations from the web, completely redraw all drawings and sketches in CorelDraw and then set everything again in Adobe Illustrator. I was busy with it for several months and when it was finally finished, I made a bulk order for people who had helped me, e.g. with proofreading, sending in photos or just for feedback discussions. This was a one-time action. With my calculation I was consciously careful because I had advanced the money, but in the end all of them actually went to the people who contributed. I then doubled the surplus (~ € 80) and rounded it up to € 200 and donated it to the local child and youth welfare service. There was quite a bit of resentment here because many did not understand that they _cannot_ order books from me. I then removed all links.

So much for the background.

I quietly read the book several times and also collected feedback from the people who read it, discovered spelling errors, copy-paste errors, etc. and fixed them. I want to share this version with the world now, because I think enough time has passed and I actually managed to fix all those errors you only see after a while. Plus I see an early proofreading (which is full of errors!) going round and actually getting printed.

If you want to have that printed, I recommend

Simply select 17.0x24.0cm in print, ISO-COATED v2 as the color profile and 300 pages. I used 100g paper. You can take the exact dimensions from the link above. A single hardcover book with postage is around € 23, if you take 5 or more books you can still take delicacies such as bookmarks, thread stitching, etc. and then with postage is just under € 17 per book.

edit: Sorry Dropbox is having issues...

The PDF is free and will always be free and will be continuously updated. I will also include the January / February 2022 update for WMR 1.2! And no, you can't order this book either.

I repeat:

Yes, you can download these for free, they will be free forever and if you have been charged for these files you have been ripped off.

NO, I will not print you a copy, nor send you one and I will NOT do a bulk order with the internet. IF you ask nonetheless, I will block you in FB so no further communication will be possible.







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