The Curse of Hollow Hills by Crippled God Foundry

J'aime bien, malgré que ça soit des sculptures numériques ça fait très naïf et à l'ancienne.  Et puis c'est Grec... je ne sais pas si ça va relever la Grèce pas voilà ^^

À propos

 Short Story video:

The Curse of Hollow Hills is a miniature project of fantasy heroes & undead monsters.
         If funded, it will include a collection of up to 50 original sculpts (including future stretch goals), inspired by the most iconic undead creatures of fantasy novels, RPGs & tabletop board games.

Everything is sculpted digitally and all prototypes will be 3D printed with a high resolution SLA resin printer. Production is then made by our own hands, using high quality resin, pressure & vacuum cast, so we can ensure that no detail is lost on the miniature during production. 

The miniature size varies -as every model is different in size- but generally  we use the heroic scale so all miniatures can work together with the most common miniature games available. This means that most humanoid creatures are about 32mm measured head to toe (details about every miniature are available in our FAQ).

All miniatures will be delivered unassembled & unpainted, unless stated otherwise at specific pledges. 

Undead monsters are major part of most fantasy settings. When we run an adventure -sooner or later- we encounter some of them. We want to create a collection of high quality miniatures to enhance your gaming experience with the most iconic undead creatures, sculpted in our unique style!
         We seek your help to fund the prototypes, the production molds and the materials required for the resin casts as well as the production expenses. What you will get is your choice of miniatures at a discount in comparison with the future retail price. 

  Below you can take a glimpse of all the core miniatures in their 3D render glory!  

Render preview of the Heroes:

 Render preview of the Unholy Encounter 1:

 Render preview of the Unholy Encounter 2:

 Render preview of the Unholy Encounter 3:

 Render preview of the Unholy Encounter 4:

 Render preview of the Dreadful Monstrosities:

  The miniature scale is shown on the chart below:  

  Below you can see our first physical casts from the miniature prototypes, to check the detail and quality of the final product:

 During the campaign, you can back this project & help us get funded by choosing one of the pledges below:  

 Here's an example of two test casts painted in tabletop quality level:

You can select the desired pledge during the campaign. After the campaign is funded, a pledge manager will become available for everybody who contributed to our funding. There, you will be able to choose exactly what will be included in your pledge (i.e. exactly which heroes you want for your party). If you want any additional miniatures - such as any addons that might become available during the campaign, you will be able to add them to your pledge, at a Kickstarter Εxclusive price. 

You can find the price for each single miniature and additional items, in this spead sheet here.

 The more funding we get, the more miniatures will become available for your pledge, either as a free stretch goal or as an add-on purchase, available after the campaign end through our Pledge manager. Help us exceed our goals to unlock some of the most fresh miniatures & accessories for your table! 

Shipping starts 8 months after the successful funding of the campaign (January 2020).     We will be able to provide world-wide shipping  with tracking number. There won't be any customs & import costs for European backers, as we ship from Greece. For backers from other countries, we are not responsible for any extra customs & import costs that may apply.

The shipping costs will be charged after the end of the campaign, in the pledge manager, when you will choose the details of your pledge!
Shipping costs are calculated by the weight of each package, which might differ depending on which and how many perks you choose, extra add-ons etc. 

For example the "Undead Hunters" perk (8 miniatures) weigh roughly 0.16 kg and the "Curse of Hollow Hills" perk (35 miniatures) weigh 0,66 kg .

Below are some rough estimates (not final shipping costs):

 We are John, Nick and Greg, three long time friends from Greece. We love role-playing games, classic dungeon crawl board games & miniature wargames. We always wanted to make cool, fresh miniatures & terrain for our hobbies (RPG, board games,painting). In 2016, we created Crippled God Foundry to share our gaming vision with you! Since then we have created the Modular Dungeon Tile System, a nice collection of terrain accessories for your dungeons and a few fantasy miniatures for your gaming table. You can check out our work at .

We have participated in a numerous RPG events and miniature conventions here in Greece such as fantasti-Con & AthensCon. We were represented by friends abroad in SkyCon 2017 and MACE 2018.

We were the official terrain providers of the first DnDinaCastle event and we also collaborated with the Tabletop Crafters Guild for a special limited release! Here are some videos regarding our collaboration with the Guild Masters from Tabletop Crafters Guild :
The Crafting Muse
Black Magic Craft
The DMG info
 Wyloch's Armory
The DM's Craft

Stefanos Malatos: "Great quality, friendly people, very good service!"

Cat Evans: "I've just painted my first batch of Crippled God terrain and I'm completely in love! it looks superb!"

Lawren Nemeth: "Amazing service and product, sure to make any gamer happy with their dealings with the fine folk of Crippled god foundry."

 "Crippled God Foundry is innovating in the terrain space like no one else. The solutions they come up with are simple and amazing. Half walls are genius and allow all sides of the table to see all of the action. The rubber mat on the bottom prevents the slippage issue I've had with all other terrain. Their work is super-detailed, beautifully painted and comes together faster than any other set I've ever used. Plus you're supporting an awesome company full of awesome people who make your game amazing." 

                                                                             James Introcaso Blogger, RPG & Podcast Creator

 "I was lucky enough to see many pieces of CG and they are very beautiful. My favorite set is the one dedicated to the cave, there are small details hidden skulls, bones, treacherous webs... I'm a DM and I paint miniatures for 30 years and I love the possibility of having the unpainted version so that it can pass time to imagine every single corridor and encounter that my players will have between these beautiful walls! "

                                                                                                                                 Zoltar  Sageadvice 

"Stop by their website…   they do amazing work. "

                                                                                                                           Jason Heave Ho Studio 

  Our good & talented friends Rubus and Eve Apocalypse made some amazing artwork for our project! Enjoy below...  

Art by Rubus
Art by Rubus
Art by Rubus
Art by Rubus
Art by Rubus
Art by Rubus
Art by Apocalypse
Art by Apocalypse
Art by Apocalypse
Art by Apocalypse
Art by Apocalypse
Art by Apocalypse


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