BaneLegions – Nagausith, Black Ælf Augurer

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BNL-012 – Nagausith, Black Ælf Augurer

The second release for September is something very, very special indeed. Not that Ornung isn't, of course; but from concept to sculpt to paintjob, Nagausith really does take your breath away. Stefan Kopinski's artwork, from a very concise brief, is something to behold; Michaël Bigaud's sculpt is simply maddeningly incredible; and Ben Komets' paintwork is unsurpassed, certainly at that scale. She's amazing. Kudos to the very talented people who worked on her.

In the annals of the Black Ælves few are regarded so hatefully as Nagausith Evenhand, for she is a warrior born, a beauty of the Black King's retinue and Augurer of His Grand Army who surpasses her male counterparts both in martial skill and courtly intrigue. Thus, her enemies are legion, for many who serve Him covet her position, her influence, her elegance, her beauty; yet none dare act against her openly, for her lineage is strong and her determination stronger. Any slight, no matter how small, is avenged without pause; anyone in that stands in her path to the highest honours and accolades in His retinue find themselves discredited, or broken, or simply murdered. Some whisper that she desires the hand of the King himself, such is her ambition. Nagausith's motives, however, are secrets she keeps within herself.

Nagausith, like Ornung, can be pre-ordered right now from the Maelstrom Games webstore and her official release date is the 3rd of September.


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