Mongoose Publishing - Judge Dread - Playtest Pack 2.0 Up!

La version 2.0. Réécriture, ajout, règle de campagne plus formelle, règles pour des héros mercenaires.

Hi guys,

Just to let you know, the latest version of the Playtest Pack is up. Please read Playtest Pack.doc first, as it will explain why we have jumped to 2.0 (and saves me repeating it here).

However, you will notice, alongside the re-written rules set, some tasty new additions.

Campaigns now have a more formal structure and, with the Mercenary rules, leads the way for us to include 'named' heroes, like Anderson and Dredd. Set Force Lists are in, and new forces like the Cursed Earth Desperadoes will be following very soon. Talents are now working the way I wanted them to and, with that revision, the introduction of Psi powers became easy.

We need more forces, more mercenaries, and more scenarios in the game (possibly more Talents too), which is where I want to start focussing development. Vehicles will follow on from this, and we can debate about Suppression - I would personally rather leave it within the realms of Talents rather than a carte blanche rule, but play some games, and let me know what you think.

Overall, I believe this is now shaping up to be a much better game, but the proof is always with you chaps!
Matthew Sprange


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